The Ultra Casual VanderMeer Books Received Podcast (early July 2009): Hansen, Niven, Baker, and More

Right, so to give these books received posts a little more firepower, I'm going to start podcasting my initial thoughts about the books--basically providing context and reading a paragraph from each. I'm talking about them in the same order in which the images appear below. Yep, soon this will all be the rage. Probably already is all the rage somewhere I haven't seen it yet. And, yep, this is the first rough stab at this; everything will get better as I continue to do these: the audio quality, the quality of discourse, the quality of the readings, and making the podcast itself more self-contained. I might even just go to video, but that takes a lot longer to put together. So, for now, we'll try this experimental retro idea of you puttin' the images and the audio together in your mind by yer lonesome...1 - Best SF/F magazine evah: Taltivaeltaja2 - Bone Dance - Emma Bull3 - Dragons of the Hourglass Mage Weiss and Hickman4 - Wings of Creation Brenda Cooper5 - By Heresies Distressed - David Weber6 - John the Baptizer - Brooks Hansen7 - Dwarves - Markus Heitz8 - Against a Dark Background - Iain M. Banks9 - Wicked City/Black Guard - Hideyuki Kikuchi10 - The Harlequin and the Train - Paul Tremblay11 - Not Less Than Gods - Kage Baker12 - Destroyer of Worlds - Niven and Lerner


July Updates: Booklife, Finch, Kosher Guide, Last Drink, Steampunk, Etc.


War of All Against All: Realism vs Fabulism? Er, No...