War of Some Against None: Thoughtful Battle Still Rages Downstream

Gawd, I cannae even fookin keep up with it all, and I'm the gatekeeper here, but Bryan Russell, Nick Mamatas, and Hal Duncan continue to type thousands of words deep into the night on the subject of mimosas, fantasy, "literary", realism, non-realism, dogs, cats, pigeons, marshmellows. It beggars the mind it does. J.M. McDermott's even dropped out. And where are the women, huh? Except for Terry Weyna, it's all a bunch of guys. C'mon, get in there and slug it out. Or tell 'em it's stupid or something. I want to get to 200 comments before I die.Go visit. Go tell them they are loved and have not been forgotten in the dungeon of the 130+ comments on that thar post.


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