Micro Fiction Contest Now Open: Let Me Help Harvest Your Brain

brainBrain Harvest is now open to submissions for their fight-the-tropes/tropes-are-good microfiction contest, which includes a cash prize and, erm, a moustache. Yes, that's right--a moustache. Cannae grow one yourself? Now you can have your very own anyway. There is an entry fee, but one hundred percent of it goes back into Brain Harvest being able to pay pro rates to writers.I have, tragically for you, agreed to be the final arbiter of the quality of yer darn words as the Ultimate Brain Harvest Judge. So choose them words very, very carefully.Further, I make my own personal pledge to Brain Harvest: if they get over 400 submissions OR the poor dumb bastards slaving away in these literary/genre salt mines get to 300 comments, I will make a donation (of monies) to Brain Harvest.(Trust this man you should.)


The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart (or, The Marvelous Tale of Brother Bullington)


Eric Orchard's Open-Brain Bot