Am I Doing Something Wrong?

This site has all of these cool photos of writers' workspaces. The photographer writes about the project's genesis on the site:

There is a powerful aura of creative energy that surrounds Michael Swanwick. I can tell you this with absolute certainty, because I've felt it. Some time in late 2008 I got invited to a party at his house, mostly or entirely, I suspect, because he mistook me for someone else. While there I asked if I could see his Hugos, since I knew he had five of them. "Of course!" he said, jovially, and lead me up to his office. This I thought in stunned wonder as my eyes crept across the expanse of it, is a place of great significance and it needs to be seen. It was like I'd cracked open his skull and seen the gears of genius.

Hmmm. Well, I don't actually have a set place that I write. I write in bars and coffeeshops. I write at the kitchen table sometimes. I write in the livingroom. None of these places seem particularly like a sanctuary. I am more likely to think of a particular type of notebook as my writing area.I do have an office, as pictured below, but I wouldn't say it's VanderMeer Central or anything. Am I the only nomad around these here parts? And what do you think my office space says about me as a writer?


Mark Charan Newton on Things He's Learned About Being a Writer
