Why We *Can* Have Nice Things: Ann VanderMeer on the Hugos

(Stephen H. Segal and Ann VanderMeer after the Hugo ceremony. Them things are heavy!)Since she was, erm, sitting right there, I interviewed Ann about her experience at the Hugos, with relevant photos, for Omnivoracious. It's a fairly comprehensive piece about the ceremony.Amazon.com: Did you think you were going to win?Ann VanderMeer: Stephen and I were told by everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, that we would lose to Locus. The first thing you told me when I was nominated after congratulating me was that I was going to lose. If you take a look at all the predictions, we were going to lose. Stephen told me privately before the ceremony that he thought we would be a strong second. I was just thrilled to be nominated.Amazon.com: What was your first thought when they announced Weird Tales as the winner?Ann VanderMeer: I was stunned, really stunned and couldn't move. Stephen bent down and asked if I was going to be able to do this. He reached for me and helped me up. The crowd was so loud, they just went crazy. And as we walked down the aisle toward the stage so many people came out of their seats to hug us, kiss us and just offer hearty congratulations.


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