Sneak Peak: Baggage for WorldCon 2010

Ever since 2005, when Ann and I visited Australia, and even before, I've been interested in Australian speculative fiction. Even more so now because I think outside of the U.S. we have more friends in Australia than any other country.Anyway, Tessa Kum on Silence Without just posted about Baggage, an anthology of original fiction edited by Gillian Polack and coming out at WorldCon in Melbourne in 2010. As I understand it, the theme is basically Australian issues, and that means a lot of the stories enter complex social, ethnic, and political territory.Here's the line-up:Deborah BiancottiKJ BishopSimon BrownMonica CarrollJack DannJennifer FallonLaura GoodinY GreenTessa KumMaxine McArthurLucy SussexKaaron WarrenJaneen WebbThis is a great group of writers, and having seen the kick-ass, take-no-prisoners long story Tessa's had accepted for it--truly a highlight of my reading this year in the short form--I'm looking forward to getting a copy eventually. (The editor has a short post about the antho here and here.) Definitely something to look forward to!


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