Things That Haven't Happened Yet 'Cause I'm Flat-Out Exhausted

But they will, they will, once I get mah second wind. Or a spare moment. Or a couple of assistants. Sigh. Not to mention the House of Cabinets antho that should've been done a long time ago, and Love Drunk Book Heads. Double sigh. (If not for Ann, Last Drink would be in the weeds, too.)UPDATE: Urk, Hannu Blommila made me think of a new antho idea--CAPYGOTTI: A Bestiary of Fantastical Writers. "In the Capygotti's tiny, reflectionless black eyes you can see the existential dread of legions." Now I'm even farther behind!Both covers by the mysterious Jacob M...


Compiling My Nonfiction Collection Monstrous Creatures


Man, Falling