Things That Won't Be Happening This Year...

Finch, Booklife, Last Drink Bird Head, some short fiction projects, a humongous book tour upcoming, and any number of other things mean the following Won't Be Happening This Year.- The Leonardo Variations - a Clarion charity anthology- Mapping the beast - a best-of the Leviathan series- Leviathan 5 - reading period postponed- Borne - the next novel, about a giant ravenous bear- Beluga! - working title of the text-with-marine-photos SF story book- Learning French - yes, I planned on learning French this year- Ministry of Whimsy chapbook series - for emerging writers- Love Drunk Book Heads - nonfiction book of interviews about books- The Memories of Others - near-future SF Novel- Heart of the Beast - collab fantasy novelAh well. The good news is, all of them except learning French and possibly Love Drunk should happen next year. Unless I die of exhaustion first.


One Book. One Chance. And You.


Writers: Are you a Face-hugger, a Grub, a Maggot, Godzilla, or What?