Checking in: CA-1 North Equals Ecstatic Day (and Facebook)

As I talked about on the Borders Babel Clash blog yesterday, I spent a blissful day driving up CA-1 North along the California coast from Los Angeles to San Francisco. I spent the night in Monterey before moving on up to SF. It was a mindblowing experience. It was a kind of totally chaste orgasm for the senses. Texture, image, smell, taste--everything. I felt like every circuit in my body was in danger of getting blown out. The only place I've ever felt anything similar was when Ann and I drove up the coast from Cairns toward Port Douglas. Stunning mountain/sea vistas and an amazing shades of green. It's a day that I'll remember for the rest of my life.Gigs continue to go well, and I've met some fascinating people. The Book Soup event cracked me up because they had two sets of chairs in narrow rows at right angles, with me at the corner, the erotica section behind me. Not only was there some giant naked ass on a coffee table book directly to my left, but I got whiplash trying to look toward both audiences. But it went well, and I picked up a ton of Europa Editions, which Book Soup was kind enough to have in a separate section so I didn't have to root around in the fiction section.I'm very much looking forward to the SF in SF event tonight at the Variety Theater. I'm staying with Jacob and Rina Weisman right now, and they're incredibly thoughtful hosts and great fun.In other news, I've given up on using Twitter for updates and am just Facebooking my experiences with photos and text as a kind of mini-diary. So check my status feed out on Facebook if you're interested in the day-to-day stuff. (And: wow! awesome guestblogging, folks!)Here're some photos from my adventures the last couple of days.


Sunday Reading: Novella "Sublimation Angels" by Jason Sanford


How cover art influences book sales (at least, for one picky reader)