VanderMeer/Finch News

Stepping in one last time this week to relay some news of interest. First off, it appears Ann and I will be on a segment for NPR's Weekend Edition one of the next couple of Sundays. (Also look for the WaPo review of Finch this coming Saturday, and an interview with the Onion AV Club forthcoming.)Second, Diana Gill at HarperCollins has bought The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities from us--more on that soon.Third, because of Finch I am one of two Indiebound IndieNext authors whose books were chosen to be handsold and featured this month in indie bookstores. This is a lovely honor, and I hope you will buy the book through your favorite indie store if the spirit moves you.Fourth, I have posted another update on the Omnivoracious blog about my tour, including links to the prior posts.Fifth, check out booklifenow for a special What Are You Thankful For post that I hope you'll contribute to.Sixth, watch Paul Tremblay's video footage of our Borders event on the Borders blog, Babel Clash.Finally, check out my events sidebar to the right for info on my gig tonight here in New Hampshire and the one upcoming in Baltimore on November 29. Hope to see some of you there. Thus far, I've been humbled and flattered by the great turn-out. Thanks so much for your support. And thanks to the guest bloggers for awesome posts.


Bizarro Fiction: Stout Hearts and Strong Stomachs


The Virtues of Vampires