The End of the Endurance Tour: Atlanta, at Manuel's Tonight with Hindmarch and McDermott

(Me with Mur Lafferty, Natania Barron, and giant microbes last night in Chapel Hill)After a wonderful event last night with Mur Lafferty and Natania Barron at Chapel Hill Comics, the Finch/Booklife tour comes to an end tonight in Atlanta at Manuel's Tavern. We'll start at 8pm in the North Room and I'm reading with Will Hindmarch and J.M. McDermott. We'll also be there early, at 6pm, for a comics meeting/party that sounds interesting.Also note that Nicola Morgan is answering your writing questions today over at give her a question!Finally, here are some photos from the awesome event last night. The store is one of my favorites now--excellent selection and also nicely laid out. Owner Andrew Neal is a great guy.Just part of the great crowd last night, including my dad.Owner Andrew NealNatania Barron readingMur Lafferty reading


Correction, and some thoughts


World sf writers? Get used to disappointment