Reports from the Road: Richmond/Fountain Bookstore

(Me, looking a little worn and fat--nothing a few weeks in the gym and a haircut won't cure.)I've just posted a piece on Amazon's book blog about my experiences in Richmond, especially with regard to the Poe Museum and the marvelous Fountain Bookstore, as well as book recommendations and links to articles about Poe by S.J. Chambers.The video above was taken by Kelly Justice and the great people at Fountain, and includes my take on the tour thus far--including something about maps on underwear. My readings from Booklife and Finch will be posted as separate videos in the fullness of time.I should note that Fountain sells new books. One of the best used bookstores I've seen is Richmond's Chop Suey (photo from their stairs below the cut) and it's made even better because of the Bizarre Market that they share the second floor with (second photo)...I bought a lot of my holiday gifts there. Thanks to J.T. Glover for taking me there.


Air Fish Anthology: 1993 Genre "Core Sample"


Finch and Black Hawk Down: Translating Technique from Movies to Fiction