Kage Baker, RIP

According to Kathryn Cramer and others, Kage Baker passed away this morning. Rest in peace, Kage. You were one of the good ones, and I would like to think that this is not the end, that instead you have merely been assigned by The Company to some new mission.Ann and I can't claim to be close friends of Kage's, but she was one of those colleagues who you could always count on and who you always expected to be there, and whose loss you feel severely. She contributed to several of our books, always with grace and professionalism. She even recorded a video with her parrot for our pirate anthology, one of our fondest memories of that project.As we told Kage via email last week, we are dedicating the Lambshead cabinet of curiosities anthology to her, and her sister told us she got a definite kick out of that. She always had a good sense of humor.Dr. Baker was a contributor to the prior volume, our fake disease guide, and would have contributed to this follow-up if she'd been able. (Dr. Baker's many accomplishments and adventures will of course be memorialized in the front matter to the cabinet anthology.)She was a fabulous writer. She will be missed.(Marty Halpern wrote an extensive appreciation when he found out she was ill.)


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