Clarion and Steampunk Deadlines--and Artists Inspired by Stephen King

(More on these three old anthos later in the week.)Yes, this is that inevitable, unavoidable post about deadlines. First off, our deadline for sending in reprint submissions for our Steampunk anthology is today. Which means, if you want to have a story submitted, we need to get it by midnight tonight EST. If you're an hour or so off, no problem, but we will cut things off after that point. If you have sent in a story and haven't heard back yet, you will hear from us by Friday at the latest.Second, March 1st is the deadline for applications to attend the Clarion Writer's Workshop in San Diego this summer. The instructors for the first four weeks are Delia Sherman, George R.R. Martin, Dale Bailey, and Samuel R. Delany. Ann and I are teaching the last two weeks.If you're hesitating about the time commitment, I'd just say that in my experience that, all things being equal, there's no good time to go to the workshop--which is to say, there will always be reasons to talk yourself out of applying. And that if you write SF/fantasy/horror of any kind, this year is a great year to apply. I don't think you'd find more diverse approaches to fiction.Ann and I will be there to help you through the last two weeks, when students are usually tired, and keep you focused. We love all kinds of fiction and want to help you realize your vision. (There may also be water pistol fights.) We'll also help you with strategies for emerging from the workshop back into "real life". Basically, we're there for you 24-7. In addition, Tachyon Publications has kindly pledged to provide free copies of my writing book Booklife to all students, and in the evenings we can discuss aspects of the book relevant to the workshop. Ann will also be able to share her perspective as an editor. An additional bonus for those who want it will be discussion of novel structure and approaches--outside of the context of the morning sessions.We might even cook you dinner, although considering my record as a chef, you might prefer otherwise...Finally, I just posted about one of the most remarkable publishers out there, Centipede Press, run by Jerad Walter, and his latest astounding book--Knowing Darkness: Art Inspired by Stephen King. It's a huge and weighty book, and amazing. Here's a sample from the interior...


When the Weird Gets Punch-drunk


New Worlds of Fantasy! From 1967!