Aqueduct Press's New Heirloom Series--Support It!

One of the great experiences of my teenage reading life was the Virago Modern Classics series and Virago books in general--among the ways that I discovered Angela Carter (The Passion of New Eve, #96), Janet Turner Hospital, and many other amazing writers. Whenever I enter a used bookstore, I still seek out those distinctive green spines. They promise something unique that I probably can't get elsewhere, and they evoke memories of so many unexpected discoveries.Now Aqueduct Press has instituted the Heirloom Books series to bring to light forgotten writers and worthy out-of-print books, and it reminds me strongly of some of the Virago lines. Certainly, the design idea is excellent, and they've even managed to provide "end papers" in a trade paperback by having a nice single page floral pattern on the first and last pages inside the books, along with some other great touches.The first two in the series are now out (well, the second is out in a few days), and I suggest you check them out: It Walks in Beauty by Chandler Davis and Dorothea Dreams by Suzy McKee Charnas. (I'll be blogging more about this on Amazon shortly.) Let's make sure this series gets to book 50, and then book 100.I'm out the door traveling tomorrow, so I'll keep it brief, but also received recently the latest Rain Taxi with a great cover by Winona Cookie/Ramona S and my favorite Finnish magazine featuring Ellen Kushner, among others...and I'm finally getting a chance to dive into the work of Doris Lessing this weekend!


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