Third Bear Carnival: Sensio Sees You

Well, that's awfully nice, and very flattering, even if most of the entries wind up being "WTF? What is *wrong* with him?!" Matt Cheney has organized a Third Bear Carnival around my new short story collection (which appears to be out this week, a little early), and also contributed the first entry, about my story "The Quickening.""The Quickening" is a new story, and features a white rabbit named Sensio in 1950s Central Florida. Sensio may be a talking rabbit. It's never quite clear, is it? Depends on where you are when you're receiving the information, and who's telling you.I've decided to interview Sensio to clear up any ambiguities.Is it true you're an actor playing a talking rabbit?Sensio: I am not a rabbit.Did you have to research what it would be like to be a rabbit during the 1950s in Florida?Sensio: I am not a rabbit.Do you worry about being typecast?Sensio: I am not receiving you.What about the circus lady? Did you know her?Sensio: Ask the Third Bear.What do you say to readers or reviewers who might like an explanation?Sensio: Seether sees you.


Launch Pad, Day Two: Mike Brotherton on the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Light, Instruments, Telescopes


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