Them Reviewers, They're Some Sick Bastards

(Thanks to all of the guest bloggers for the great ongoing posts!)So Finch is out in the UK early next month, and so far it's gotten a great review in Interzone and on Strange Horizons to go with raves in the Washington Post, B&N Review, LA Times, and lots of other places for the US edition, as well being a Nebula finalist and Locus Award finalist.And then there's the one that made me really laugh. The one where the reviewer seems to have been writing while he had a lemon stuck very high up somewhere that made him exceedingly uncomfortable and narsty-minded, the Tom Holt one on SFX. It genuinely, seriously made me laugh. Why in the name of all that's holy would they give Finch to this guy to review? Were they trying to make me cry? The worst part is the cliche emperor-has-no-clothes reference (yep, it's cause he's moonin' you). Well, I guess that means I've arrived...again. Or something. Anyway, go read it. And then go buy the beautiful UK edition anyway.Okay, back to the salt-mines for me. Carry on.


On Enthusiastic Consent


Lightness: Italo Calvino's hope for the future of literature