Cooking Update: Trout & Steak Provencale

IMG_9250Well, the timing didn't quite work out as planned. The idea was to cook three meals last week, and I only managed two by Sunday. That'll change this week, with any luck. Anyway, it's a good start, and the most excellent news is I didn't poison myself or Ann! In fact, the food turned out pretty darn good.What did I cook? Trout with almonds and Steak Provencale...IMG_9253The fish was potentially the most daunting, because I hadn't asked the butcher to take out the bones. So I watched a youtube video on how to do it, and then completed the task myself.IMG_9252It wasn't pretty, but I got it done. One fish I had successfully deboned--not a bone in it. The other, unfortunately, I'd been less adroit and even more unfortunately that's the fish Ann got. By the time we realized, it was too late to switch. So there were some bones. I'm torn on whether to just perfect my technique or have the butcher do it next time.IMG_9255The actual cooking process was ridiculously easy, and a lot of fun!IMG_9256I had to keep a careful watch because I always forget how fast fish cooks. I also had a little too much flour on the outside, but it didn't really affect anything.IMG_9257They came out crispy brown on the outside, but perfectly cooked on the inside. (If I do say so myself!)IMG_9258Presentation-wise, it needed some work, and I overdid the sauteed almonds on top.IMG_9275Steak Provencale was a lot easier--just mix the garlic, ground sirloin, egg, cut up mushrooms (I wound up dicing the beef after this shot specifically to make sure the mushroom pieces were smaller--my bad), and salt/pepper. Then dip each patty in flour, and cook for about five to six minutes (less if you don't like medium-well).IMG_9277My presentation really sucked on this one, but, man, was this meal delicious! The garlic and mushrooms in the burger just made it utterly sublime to eat. Didn't need anything on it to make it wonderful. (Yes, I totally got lazy and made green beans again.)Tonight I'm cooking Chicken Marengo, which looks like it might be a whole nother level of difficulty. Not sure...


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