The Wesleyan Antho of SF: Spotlight on 1990s--2000s

IMG_9288I just received a copy of The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction (Arthur B. Evans, ed.; Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., ed.; Joan Gordon, ed.; Veronica Hollinger, ed.; Rob Latham, ed.; Carol McGuirk, ed.).It looks like a worthy enough volume, and I certainly understand that there are space constraints and other constraints that act upon editors compiling a collection of stories--if I didn't know it before, I know it now from co-editing The Weird with my wife, Ann.That said, here's the selection from 1990 to the present, the last 20 years of SF:

John Kessel, “Invaders” (1990)Gene Wolfe, “Useful Phrases” (1992)Greg Egan, “Closer” (1992)James Patrick Kelly, “Think Like a Dinosaur” (1995)Geoff Ryman, “Everywhere” (1999)Charles Stross, “Rogue Farm” (2003)Ted Chiang, “Exhalation” (2008)

Of these, I've read the Chiang (awesome) and the Ryman (also quite good). I think I read the Kelly a long time ago, but don't recall the specifics.But I guess my point is...are these seven stories really the epitome of the last two decades of science fiction (as opposed to fantasy)? I don't mean to call into question the quality of these selections--what I mean is, what's missing? What else should be there? Why is there nothing between 2003 and 2008, for example? Was nothing worthy published?These questions I open up to you, dear readers, in the context of (1) I have no stake in these proceedings, in that I can count the number of SF short stories I've written on one hand and (2) I find the selections from 1980 to 1989 stimulating (Misha!!!! Memory: SF Eye! Airfish!)Anyway, what thinks thou? And here's the full TOC:• Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Rappaccini’s Daughter” (1844)• Jules Verne, from Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864)• H. G. Wells, “The Star” (1897)• E. M. Forster, “The Machine Stops” (1909)• Edmond Hamilton, “The Man Who Evolved” (1931)• Leslie F. Stone, “The Conquest of Gola” (1931)• C. L. Moore, “Shambleau” (1933)• Stanley Weinbaum, “A Martian Odyssey” (1934)• Isaac Asimov, “Reason” (1941)• Clifford D. Simak, “Desertion” (1944)• Theodore Sturgeon, “Thunder and Roses” (1947)• Judith Merril, “That Only a Mother” (1948)• Fritz Leiber, “Coming Attraction” (1950)• Ray Bradbury, “There Will Come Soft Rains” (1950)• Arthur C. Clarke, “The Sentinel” (1951)• Robert Sheckley, “Specialist” (1953)• William Tenn, “The Liberation of Earth” (1953)• Alfred Bester, “Fondly Fahrenheit” (1954)• Avram Davidson, “The Golem” (1955)• Cordwainer Smith, “The Game of Rat and Dragon” (1955)• Robert A. Heinlein, “ ‘All You Zombies—’” (1959)• J. G. Ballard, “The Cage of Sand” (1962)• R. A. Lafferty, “Slow Tuesday Night” (1965)• Harlan Ellison, “‘Repent, Harlequin!’ Said the Ticktockman” (1965)• Frederik Pohl, “Day Million” (1966)• Philip K. Dick, “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale” (1966)• Samuel R. Delany, “Aye, and Gomorrah . . .” (1967)• Pamela Zoline, “The Heat Death of the Universe” (1967)• Robert Silverberg, “Passengers” (1968)• Brian Aldiss, “Super-Toys Last All Summer Long” (1969)• Ursula K. Le Guin, “Nine Lives” (1969)• Frank Herbert, “Seed Stock” (1970)• Stanislaw Lem, “The Seventh Voyage,” from The Star Diaries (1971)• Joanna Russ, “When It Changed” (1972)• James Tiptree Jr., “And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill’s Side” (1972)• John Varley, “Air Raid” (1977)• Carol Emshwiller, “Abominable” (1980)• William Gibson, “Burning Chrome” (1982)• Octavia E. Butler, “Speech Sounds” (1983)• Nancy Kress, “Out of All Them Bright Stars” (1985)• Pat Cadigan, “Pretty Boy Crossover” (1986)• Kate Wilhelm, “Forever Yours, Anna” (1987)• Bruce Sterling, “We See Things Differently” (1989)• Misha Nogha, “Chippoke Na Gomi” (1989)• Eileen Gunn, “Computer Friendly” (1989)• John Kessel, “Invaders” (1990)• Gene Wolfe, “Useful Phrases” (1992)• Greg Egan, “Closer” (1992)• James Patrick Kelly, “Think Like a Dinosaur” (1995)• Geoff Ryman, “Everywhere” (1999)• Charles Stross, “Rogue Farm” (2003)• Ted Chiang, “Exhalation” (2008)


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