Thursday Stuff: Last Drink, Booklife UK, 3-Bear, Finch UK

(Yes, there will be Last Drink Bird Head awards again this year...)This is the dreaded flush-it-all-out-in-one-post post. Too many books out, too much stuff associated with the books, so let's tackle it all here and let you sort through the bits and pieces.First off, Last Drink Bird Head, the ProLiteracy charity antho we edited Wyrm Publishing last year is out in a Kindle edition. That's right--all the coolness of the John Coulthart layout, Scott Eagle cover art, and Jacob McMurray cover design, along with awesome flash-fiction from Peter Straub, Tanith Lee, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Hal Duncan, Stephen R. Donaldson, Ellen Kushner, and 60-plus others, now available electronically. Woo-hoo! And all proceeds go to charity. How can you go wrong?Next, in the welter of projects ongoing and projects just published, I forgot to mention that Booklife is out in a UK edition. I have no intel on how it's doing or whether it's readily available, but you can order it for sure.The Atlantic/Corvus UK edition of Finch has gotten a lot of coverage in newspapers and the like--not to mention the Audible version is now available.You already know about the infamous Tom Holt SFX review, but Strange Horizons did a great review, as did Interzone--and here's an awesome overview of the Ambergris series by Lingua Fantastika. The Independent reviewed both Finch ("extraordinarily well-done") and McDonald's Dervish House--The Sunday Times did the same thing, with a nice review by Lisa Tuttle, and James Lovegrove did a cool little review in The Financial Times. Bookmunch chimed in with another thoughtful review. SciFiNow liked the book but chided me for a bad sex scene (ha!). Further responses to the book included Yatterings, Falcata Times, Pornokitsch, Speculative Scotsman, et al. Apparently a review is still upcoming in The Guardian, and regional newspapers have picked up a good review that originated in the Newcastle Sunday Sun.Not all of these reviews have been without caveats, but the overall positive push from them should help the book. Many thanks to my editor Nicolas Cheetham and Rina Gill, head of publicity, for their belief in the book.Matthew Cheney surprised me with The Third Bear carnival, which features short essays or comics engaging various stories from my recent story collection from Tachyon. You can find all of the links to those pieces here.Whew. So that's it. Upcoming, some new anthologies and fiction projects.


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