P.S. This Book Is Restoring Mah Brain Powers to Mah Brain

Every year since I was 28, right after I'd finished the novel V, I have pulled out the above novel and tried to read it...and failed for some reason, putting it aside after about four pages. As part of my "Restore Jeff's Brain Powers to His Brain" campaign, I picked it up again this past weekend...and I've soldiered on past page 75. This time I decided to just let it wash over me and hope I'd find an anchor somewhere...and I did. To the point where I'm now going back to page one and "rewriting" it with mah new brain powers to add in any context I didn't pick up on the first time around, before moving forward from page 75.Why now? No idea. Perhaps something I read in the last year was the software I needed to load before shoving this advanced shit into my mind. Anyway, I'm loving every minute of it, and I'm especially loving having to go slow and to parse meaning out things. And I'm even more loving the fact that there's a huge freakin' dream-monster haunting a diplomat that just comes out of nowhere! And a secret mythology of bombs! And this weirdo growing bananas. And crazy experiments. But that it isn't gonzo, it isn't lightweight, it isn't just farce. I think I'm in love.Okay, carry on with your lives. I've got to pack for Richmond.P.P.S. Gio Clairval and I sold our collaborative story, "Lizard Dance," to Fantasy Magazine. (I must add that Gio did the heavy lifting.)


Underground Transmissions


Monsters: Way to Get Past My Defenses, Movie