Amazon's Top 100 Books of 2010--Tweeting Now

Over on Omnivoracious, books editor Tom Nissley just posted that they're revealing the Amazon top 100 via their twitter feed all today. Tomorrow, the individual lists for YA, etc., go live, including my SF/F Top 10, which should please everyone and no one. At least one title on the top 100 is also on the SF/F top 10, possibly more.I'll also post a two-part entry on Omnivoracious tomorrow going over the selections in detail, followed by a separate post by Friday on "the second 10". By end of year, I'll also blog about short story collections and anthologies. This year there were so many interesting novels, the top 10 list doesn't include anything but novels.Meanwhile, while we're waiting for all of this to be unveiled, feel free to post your picks here. And, you know, read. I think a lot of us spend entirely too much time blogging and not enough reading. Which is usually what gets us in trouble. :) Don't be like me--go read a book.UPDATE: They've posted the next 10. (just let that serve for the next ten, and the ten after that...)UPDATED UPDATED: My post on Dalkey Archive books, leaning heavily on the OF Blog and prior posts from Felix Gilman on his the Half-Made World.


Amazon's Best Books of 2010: Top 10 Science Fiction/Fantasy


I Remember...There *Is* a Difference