Fill This Blog Up With Love, Haters!

gots from hereSo I'm off on a little micro-journey to the FSU campus tomorrow and won't be hanging around these electronic parts. By the time I get back tomorrow night, I want to see at least 50 comments from people about what they love---and I don't want any of it to be about ponies. Things ya loved you saw or read or heard or whatever. Just things that brought you joy. But none of that Hallmark Greeting Card joy.If there aren't at least 50 comments, I am going to unleash waves of blog hate like you haven't seen on the blogosphere since...erm, twenty minutes ago. If nuffin joyful happened the last two decades, go back another few years.Remember, if you include a link, like a proper hot-link, my spaminator may perceive you as a blubbery e-meat-byproduct thread.


Preserved: The McDermott / Gilman Ponylogues


Shared Worlds Teen SF/Fantasy Writing Camp Awarded $15,000 Grant