Book Like for the Holidays? Spread the Booklife Cheer

Dear Reader:It's now been a year since my writing strategy book Booklife came out, and it's received lots of praise, leading to an interview on National NPR, among other opportunities like speaking at MIT and the Library of Congress. I've even had artists and musicians tell me they picked it up and found that the advice in it worked for them as well.I know there are more of you out there, so if you've enjoyed Booklife and/or the Booklifenow website, it would be wonderful if you'd be willing to blog about it this week, recommending the book as a holiday gift. (Or tweet or facebook if that's more your style. Or even re-post something you wrote when the book came out.)I don't usually ask people for favors like this, but my wife Ann and I are gearing up to do at least one, possibly two, really cool projects where we won't be taking a fee upfront. To do those kinds of projects, the coffers need to be full---and Booklife has sold well enough to date that buying Booklife (US edition) will put money in my pocket right around the time I'll need the extra boost to absorb the impact of these non-comped projects; if the royalty check is big enough, it may even help fund these projects. (One of which is a fiction antho focused on new writers, with a truly international open reading period.) You could say that this request is in keeping about Booklife's advice to take the long view.If you do decide to blog, here are a few possible links to include:Booklife at AmazonBooklife Kindle editionBooklife at IndieboundBooklife at Indiebound (ebook)Booklife at PowellsDirect from the publisher, TachyonAs importantly, I'm interested to know how Booklife was of use to you (or, even, where you wished it would've been of more help), and will write a follow-up post here and on Booklifenow that links your post. If you tweet or facebook post, consider echoing into the comments thread here.Finally, thanks for considering Booklife as a holiday gift for the creatives in your life!


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