Book Lovers: Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for 2011

Posting will be sporadic here through January 1st.Echoing something a friend said to me recently, it's been a tough, tough couple of years for the publishing industry and associated book culture, for writers, agents, and everyone else. A lot of good people have had a difficult time and had to work twice as hard to get results. It's been tough on a lot of people, frankly, across a lot of different types of careers.I know that writers having the opportunity to write is a gift and privilege not a right, and that writers in the grand scheme of things are fairly unimportant...but this is the little corner of the world I inhabit, and I'd just like to say: peace and love to every one of you who is in some way connected to the written word--writing it, selling it, marketing it, promoting it, publishing it, editing it, etc. And reading it.People out there appreciate you, even if you don't always get day-to-day affirmation of that. Thanks to every single one of you, because I know each one of you loves books, because lord knows there are easier fields to make a career in.Have a great holiday and I hope, rested and de-stressed, we all come out re-energized in 2011...and if you want to post here about some uplifting experience you had with books, people in the industry, writers, or book culture generally, feel free to share...


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