Third Bear Carnival E-Bear at Wired's GeekDad

Brad Moon at's GeekDad has kindly offered a home for the Third Bear Carnival e-bear (er, 42-page e-book, suitable for printing) that features ruminations (and cartoons!) about various stories in my Third Bear collection from the following wonderful people:---W. Irving Bishop---Paul Jessup---Hal Duncan---Eric Schaller (cartoons)---Larry Nolen---Matthew Cheney---David A. Beronä---Paul Charles Smith (with art by his fiancee)---Deborah Biancotti---Rachel Swirsky---Brian Francis Slattery---Micaela Morrissette---Ann VanderMeerCarnival Contest Winner---Alys Sterling (fourth bear contest winner)Matthew Cheney organized the Third Bear Carnival in the first place, which was what one can only call super nice of him and a great surprise. Thanks to Tachyon, and in particular Elizabeth Story, for creating the PDF and design. Major thanks to Matt Staggs the Amazing and Jill Roberts the Awesome, as well.The Third Bear has received some really lovely reviews this year, including a starred review from Publishers Weekly and another starred review from Library Journal, in addition to blurbage from Junot Diaz, Mike Mignola, and many others. If you're still looking for a holiday gift or chancing upon this while deciding how to spend a gift certificate, consider The Third Bear. Or, just signal boost this post. Thanks.


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