Caplin Rous, RIP: How You Can Help

Yesterday I received the sad, terrible news that the capybara Caplin Rous passed away this week suddenly. Condolences to Caplin Rous's owner, Melanie Typaldos. Caplin Rous was beloved by a lot of people.Back in 2009, I interviewed Typaldos about capybaras generally and Caplin Rous in particular. It was the most popular blog post I've ever run, and Boing Boing and others picked it up. I think their cuteness and their size make capybaras fascinating. And, by all accounts, Caplin Rous was quite a character.Unfortunately, there were vet bills associated with Caplin Rous's last days, and Typaldos is asking that instead of cards or gifts in sympathy that those who want to remember Caplin Rous buy a Capycoppy plush toy like the one pictured below. The proceeds will go to offset the bills. I don't have full details, but apparently Caplin Rous was having seizures---there's more information here.Rest in Peace, Caplin Rous. You will be missed.IMG_9736Also check out this twitter feed for updated information.


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