Shriek: An Afterword Now Available on Kindle

If you look at the reader reviews for my novel Shriek: An Afterword, it's either the best thing since sliced bread or a plotless pile of crap. Now e-book afficionadoes can decide for themselves, as Tor has finally made it available for the Kindle.When Shriek came out in 2006, it received a starred PW review, made many year's best lists, including Amazon and the San Franciso Chronicle, and has been reprinted in the UK, Poland, Russia, and Germany. But it deeply divided my readers, again between those who were enthralled by it and, basically, those for whom the humor of the book didn't connect and who were unwilling to accept a narrator perceived to be as deeply flawed as Janice Shriek. Although the book got some really good responses, hardly anyone grappled with the central themes and concerns of the novel (although this did a good job). I still hope someone will someday give the book a good critical analysis.Here's the official website for the novel, including a link to the infamous Shriek short film, which turned out a lot more, erm, experimental than I'd hoped. It did, however, result in a somewhat ground-breaking series of movie/book parties, most of them organized by readers, to whom I'm forever grateful. I'm also really grateful to the Church, who did an awesome soundtrack for the book and did voice-over for the film.Here's the link to order the limited edition, including soundtrack.


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