Murder by Death Rareties Digital Download Now Available

Murder by Death, which did the awesome soundtrack for Finch (see the sidebar of this blog to play it), is now offering a rareties, demos, and low-fi album of 32 tracks. I've downloaded it and am listening to it now--great stuff.In the band's email announcing the new project, they also note the following:

A couple days ago our back wheel flew off on our van and we had to leave it for a repair in Bakersfield. We rented a couple SUVs and put as much stuff as we could fit in 'em and made a mad dash to the show. Its gonna be expensive and inconvenient for the next week or so, but them's the breaks. Lucky for us, as of today you can now purchase the digital download of the Rarities collection "Skeletons In The Closet" which was compiled, designed, and put out by me (Adam) from MBD. Your purchase will make this next week way easier- and since we put it out ourselves, buying the download is a donation to help us keep this tour going as we pay for rentals, buy a new van etc.


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