Cheeky Frawg Books: The "Soft Splash" Launch!

If you click here you'll find a page set up for our first Cheeky Frawg e-book releases. The month of "soft splash" lets us see how things work and make any necessary adjustments. Although we already know we're unique in that we make every one of our e-books by hand on a letterpress, using only the finest, most perfectly formed 00000s and 111111s.As noted in the text, we'll have a full-on website and a full-on PR blitz celebration in early May, along with the announcement of new titles. Although we're focusing on our own content, we will also be putting out e-books of other writers' work. The flagship of our endeavor in that regard will be the ODD? anthology. In the meantime, enjoy our first selections!cheeky-frawgallbook


VanderCon, Finland (April 11-16): Events Listing


Still Time to Register: Shared Worlds Teen SF/Fantasy Writing Camp