What's the Craziest or Most Experimental Science Fiction or Fantasy Book You've Ever Read?

Anyone who has seen my latest book The Steampunk Bible: An Illustrated Guide to the World of Imaginary Airships, Corsets and Goggles, Mad Scientists, and Strange Literature knows that Abrams does amazing work. Well, they've contracted me to create the ultimate Fantasy/SF writing book. It's going to be called SHARED WORLDS/SINGLE VISION and be in full-color with over 100 images. John Coulthart will be doing the design and much of the art.In addition to all of the normal stuff I'm going to have a section on "Bleeding Edge," and while researching this bit for the extended outline for the book, I became preternaturally curious about what readers might define as "experimental" in approach and also what they might define as "crazy-town" as well. Above, you'll see the cover to a novel many consider experimental, for example.But, in general, I'm disinclined to define my terms. Instead, I'd like to hear from you: what book or books that could be classified as SF or Fantasy are the craziest or most experimental ever---and why?(Note: Some of the discussion herein may be quoted in the final book.)


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