Steampunk Bible Tour: Philly, Library of Congress, Richmond

bible event(NYC B&N Event, photo by novelist Myke Cole)We had a great time at the event in NYC at B&N last night. A packed house, and great contributions from Jaymee Goh, Liz Gorinsky, Dexter Palmer, Ekaterina Sedia, Aleks Sennwald, Ay-leen the Peacemaker. S.J. Chambers, my coauthor, is now a seasoned book tour veteran and an excellent co-host for the event. The audience even did a shout-out for our poor left-behind Steampunk Bible blogger Mecha Underwood.jeff-vandermeer-at-the-steampunk-bible-presentatio(Photo by writer Laszlo Xalieri)We met a lot of people and we had a great time hanging out at the Dead Poet pub nearby afterwards---highly recommend that place. BUT, the tour continues!Philadelphia, PA – May 28, Between Books (Delaware, 25 min from downtown Philly), 6:30pm. Now S.J. Chambers is headed on to Between Books, which is just outside of Philly, for an event featuring her, live music from the Absinthe Drinkers, Ekaterina Sedia, and more. I can't recommend Between Books highly enough---it's just one of the best SF/F bookstores I've ever been privileged enough to explore. So go for the Steampunk Bible presentation, but make sure you get there early enough to browse, because you're going to want to buy books. Greg Schauer, the owner, is an awesome guy, too, and extremely knowledgeable. If you're anywhere in the area, you really don't want to miss this one.Washington, D.C. — May 31, Library of Congress, 12 pm. S.J. Chambers will be giving a lecture entitled “Edgar Allan Poe: SF’s Founding Father,” followed by Q&A and signing. This is a wonderful and prestigious lecture series, and definitely worth attending.Richmond, VA – June 2 (Thurs), Fountain Bookstore, 6:30pm.. Signing and discussion with coauthor S.J. Chambers. Kelly Justice and her Fountain Bookstore...well, there's a potent combination. The bookstore's awesome and so is Kelly, along with her crew of ultra-experienced, friendly staff. Another event you don't want to miss. It's in downtown Richmond, so there's plenty to do nearby after the event, too. You'll love this bookstore if you haven't been before, and Kelly is one of those dynamic, always-on-the-ball booksellers who are keeping people energized and enthusiastic about books.


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