If You Were Here: The Top 30 All Time Science Fiction and Fantasy Worlds

As some of you may know, I'm writing a nonfiction book for Victoria Blake's Underland Press entitled If You Lived Here: The Top 30 All Time Science Fiction and Fantasy Worlds. That book now has a recommendation site where you can submit your own favorites, with your explanation, and perhaps even be quoted in the book. Victoria will also be contacting booksellers for their thoughts.If You Lived Here won't be your standard reference text. It will be thorough, and well-researched, but it will also be irreverent, entertaining, and in some ways use a mutated form of the travel guide (and that world's most dangerous places book) to showcase the material. It'll include some essays as well, covering books or series not included in the top 30, a couple of lists, and illustrations.What will be in that top 30? Well, we're listening to you, even as we also have our own thoughts about it. George R.R. Martin, you say? Maybe Borges? Maybe Atwood? Possibly Delany? Who else? Everybody's potentially in the mix.So go ahead and cast your vote---we'll be collecting your thoughts for at least two months---and you can also if you like discuss it on this thread---or over at SF Signal in about an hour. They're being kind enough to signal boost it.


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