The Return of the Ugly Brother...and Some Curmudgeonry

IMG_0085Lovecraft's ugly brother (well, they're both ugly) has returned from a three-year stint serving time in the SF Museum. He's been oogled and admired by thousands. Reunited, neither of one of them is saying anything, but they will soon feature in a webcomic I'm putting together. They'll talk then, dammit!In other news, USA Today's Pop Candy lurves the Steampunk Bible. But I'm here to talk about more serious matters. Like...---Don't email me to ask "What is Steampunk?" I am not the king's hand for steampunk. I am not the instant Obvious Information Dispenser. Google it.---Don't email me to ask about squid anymore. I mean, seriously. Don't email me to say, "Hey, I saw this squid while I was snorkeling, and it about yay-big and these colors. Do you know what it was?" It was a squid. Now go google it.---Don't email me with photos of mushrooms you found and ask me to identify them, either.In general, I am not your personal Google. Thanks, though, for continued comments about my books. Those help keep me going, in all my glorious curmudgeonry. But otherwise...I'm just not going to be answering anything stupid anymore. All indications to the contrary, I think I've been too approachable in the past.


LA Times Feature on Steampunk Bible and League of STEAM


The Alchemists of Kush by Minister Faust Debuts Tomorrow!!!