My Fungal Weapons Versus Your Dragon: Fantasy Mortal Combat

So I'm bored today. So I'm gonna ask you a question. If any fantasy/SF authors got in a battle against one another and they had to fight through proxies like weapons, allies, etc, and were able to summon up anything weapon-y from their novels, including beasties as allies, to use in that conflict...what match-ups would you find interesting, and whose weapons would help them win?Personally, I'd like to see Pern dragons versus GRRM dragons, sand worms versus Smaug, space squid versus...something.If everybody mentions just male authors, I'm gonna send my fungal weapons after you. And they burn.


The Museum of Intangible Arts and Objects: Reza Negarestani, China Miéville, and the Gallows-horse


A Sampling of Visual Birthday Wishes: I Wish to Be Feared