Shared Worlds Book Haul: Hub City Bookstore, You're The Best

IMG_0243(Ann bought me the sea slime book as a b-day present...)During two readings at the Hub City Bookstore in Spartanburg, the Shared Worlds teen writing camp students bought a ton of books---just like last year, when Hub had only been open a few weeks. It's just an amazingly good bookstore, mostly because the staff does such a great job of selecting the right books. When I walk in there it's almost as if they've been reading my mind.And now comes the news via Publishers Weekly that they've outstripped projected first-year sales by quite a sum. Nice job. Such a great place for a reading, too, and such a great resource for the students.So the students weren't the only ones to come away with a book haul. Here's what I bought, with a few books thrown in that came from the Blue Bicycle in Charleston.Which ones should I read first? Which have you read and recommend?IMG_0239IMG_0240IMG_0241IMG_0242IMG_0244IMG_0245(Some of the ones below came from Blue Bicycle.)IMG_0246IMG_0247IMG_0248


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