What I Mean By Work; What Do You Mean?

IMG_0422(Mormeck notes: brimming, overstuffed, ready to rock 'n' roll.)It's been relatively silent here at VanderBlawg Central as I ramp up on projects after finally having seen the last of THE WEIRD and turned the SHARED WORLDS teen writing book over to the designer. Over at Cheeky Frawg, we're finalizing work on Amal El-Mohtar's The Honey Month (late Sept) and proofreading the ODD? anthology (Oct 1, with print release in December). We're also in the planning stages for several new anthologies and getting ready to dive into final edits on our BESTIARY anthology.I've also gotten back into The Journals of Doctor Mormeck, and should be posting new entries starting tomorrow.In other news, I'm also now working on my creative writing book for Abrams Image, the one with 150 full-color images being designed by John Coulthart (with much of the art also by him). Below you'll see part of the initial draft for the Beginnings chapter. I'm really excited about this one, and it's going really well. The hope is to create a visual language for teaching creative writing, in the context of fantastical fiction.Also, we're having work done on a Cheeky Frawg website and beginning to organize the weirdfictionreview.com site, for launch in October. This in addition to making progress on the draft of my novel Borne and several other projects. Hard work, but largely fun, too.That's what I'm up to. What are you up to?IMG_0423(Writing book draft! Yeah!)


Evil Monkey's New Religion--What Should Evil Tackle Next?


Liking Characters: Not Necessary