Chamblin's Book Mine: Book Haul, Horror Room, Anthologies

(My video of Chamblin's, with voice-over text from my Ambergris stories.)We made another pilgrimage to Chamblin’s Book Mine in Jacksonville, Florida, this past weekend, this time with Sir Tessa accompanying us. The place is larger than last time---it has to be the equal of Powell’s, and larger than any other used bookstore in the US, for sure. The video above should help attest to that.We focused on trading books in for a selection of anthologies and author collections to further our research for future projects. This also helped alleviate the burden of books in the house. Chamblin’s cash for books percentage isn’t all that great, but in terms of trade credit, it meant we could acquire everything set out below the break without spending a penny.I must say, though, their general anthology section hasn’t been touched in years. The amount of dust on our hands by the time we’d finished browsing through them…took a lot of washing off. This truly is a book mine, and even just the mystery section is as big as a normal bookstore. There are also some amusing juxtapositions of rooms, given the way Chamblin’s has gradually annexed additional space around the initial building. Thus this photo, with Men’s Studies sharing some prime real estate…horror roomIMG_0781IMG_0782IMG_0784IMG_0785IMG_0786IMG_0787IMG_0788IMG_0789IMG_0790IMG_0791


The Hilariously Self-Serving Yet Glorious VanderMeer Holiday Fantasy/SF Gift Guide


The American Book Center: The Weird and Ann VanderMeer in Amsterdam, Dec 8