Sir Tessa's Odyssey: The Ghost Ducks of Florida, The Frozen Dicks of Iceland, and Muppets?

Our friend Sir Tessa has been conducting a kind of tour of the most desirable places in the world, which of course included our part of Florida. Thus, the indelible moment pictured above in which we all three stood mouths agape as a bald eagle at St. Mark's Wildlife Refuge first separated a duck from the floating flock, then waited for it to surface, and skimming along the water, plunged down upon it, and drown-taloned it before flying off with it. At which point Ann uttered the immortal words, "He's not going to eat it, is he?!" (She's very nice, my wife.) As chronicled by Sir Tessa here.In addition, Sir Tessa has been having muppets made, hanging out in North Carolina, and, oh yes, visiting Iceland's famous penis museum, when she hasn't been freezing her butt off. Go check out her ongoing adventures...tessakum buttfreeze--part 1 iceland(Thanks JZ.)


The Weird: A Great Gift for the Holidays (and coming soon to the US)


The Journals of Doctor Mormeck--Discontinued Publicly