Weird Fiction Review: Gift Picks, Kathe Koja, Jerome Bixby, Questionnaire, Leonora Carrington, and More!

pretty pretty(more great jeremy zerfoss art...)As we enter the final two weeks of content-posting for for 2011 (we're on vacation after Dec. 20), you'll find a lot of wonderful material going live.This week, for example, we just posted the following:---A Holiday Book Gift Guide for the Weirdie in your life---An appreciation of Leonora Carrington's story by S.J. Chambers---Episode #7 of Leah Thomas's amazing web comic "Reading the Weird," based on Jerome Bixby's "It's a Good Life," along with posting the Bixby story itself.---Edward Gauvin's Weird Questionnaire (fascinating stuff!)---Kathe Koja's surreal short story "The Neglected Garden".---Leopoldo Lugones' 1906 short story "The Bloat Toad", along with Larry Nolen's short essay on translating the piece.---An interview with Deadfall Hotel author Steve Rasnic TemSo, go visit, and enjoy! Thursday we'll have a mini-update before our grand finale December 19.


Taking the Weird Questionnaire...Do You Dare?


The Weird: The Generosity of a Story-by-Story Review