Shared Worlds SF/Fantasy Teen Writing Camp: 2012 Guests, Registration, Donations, SW Book

SW bannerShared Worlds, the teen SF/F writing camp I help run along with Jeremy L.C. Jones out of Wofford College, South Carolina, has several announcements!First off, our 2012 guest writers will include: Julianna Baggott, Tobias Buckell, Will Hindmarch, Karin Lowachee, and Naomi Novik. Ann VanderMeer will be our visiting editor guest. I will also be attending as an instructor.Second, we're now open for registration for the 2012 camp, to be held July 22 through August 4.Third, we now have a dedicated donation page. Donations help offset expenses, allow us to offer more need-based scholarships, and are tax-deductible.Fourth, a PDF of the Shared Worlds student writing book from 2011, designed by Jeremy Zerfoss, is now available on the SW website. If you download it, please consider making a donation to Shared Worlds! Thanks to Prime Books, who will be helping provide the print version in the next month or so.Many thanks to for a grant that help ensure Shared Worlds continues to thrive. Thanks for donations from, among others, Warren Lapine and Michael Chabon & Ayelet Waldman. (Donate! You'll feel good!)Below the cut, find more on our guest writers for 2012...Julianna Baggott: Critically acclaimed author Julianna Baggott recently signed a movie deal for the movie rights to her forthcoming YA science fiction series Pure. Baggott has written in many different genres and teaches at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida.Tobias Buckell: Caribbean-born author Tobias Buckell currently lives in Ohio. He has written a NYT bestselling Halo novel and several critically acclaimed SF novels including Crystal Rain. Buckell is a returning guest to Shared Worlds, having taught here in prior years, and he is also an accomplished short story writer.Will Hindmarch: Chicago resident Will Hindmarch is a highly respected game creator who has worked for, among others, White Wolf. Hindmarch has also published fiction and poetry. He is the designated world-building expert for Shared Worlds and has participated in every year of the camp.Karin Lowachee: Born in South America, Karin Lowachee grew up in Canada and worked in the Arctic. Her first novel Warchild won the 2001 Warner Aspect First Novel Contest. She has been a finalist for the Philip K. Dick Award and won the Prix Aurora Award. Orbit Books published her latest, The Gaslight Dogs.Naomi Novik: A New York resident, Naomi Novik is the author of the bestselling Temeraire dragon fantasy series, optioned by Peter Jackson. She has won the John W. Campbell Award and the Compton Crook Award. Her short fiction has appeared in several anthologies.Ann VanderMeer: For five years Ann VanderMeer served as editor-in-chief of Weird Tales magazine, winning a Hugo Award for her efforts. In addition, she has edited ten anthologies over the past four years, including Best American Fantasy, The New Weird, Steampunk, and the forthcoming The Weird.Jeff VanderMeer: Critically acclaimed writer Jeff VanderMeer has won the World Fantasy Award twice, once for his fiction and once for his editing. He has also been a finalist for every major award in the SF and fantasy fields. His latest novel is Finch. He reviews books for the New York Times Book Review, among others, and has lectured at the Library of Congress and MIT.


Osama by Lavie Tidhar, from PS Publishing


Lisa L. Hannett's Bluegrass Symphony: Ann VanderMeer's Intro