The State of VanderWorld: Translation Grant News, The Situation, ICFA, and More

situation-scarskirt(Detail from The Situation...)I am just now getting back up to speed, and still battling some intense tooth pain that I hope will be resolved soon, but there is some 2012 news to report...--The Finnish Literature Exchange has awarded our Cheeky Frawg imprint two substantial translation grants: one for Jyrki Vainonen's collection The Explorer & Other Stories and the other for Leena Krohn's novel Datura. We plan to publish both in the fall of this year. Other Cheeky Frawg news will follow, but we have also reached agreement to do an ebook version of Jess Nevin's The Encyclopedia of Victoriana.--The graphic novel version of my story "The Situation" is now complete, with the art by Eric Orchard, and will run on the site later this month (I believe).--Pod Castle will be recording my story "The Cage" for audio posting later this year.--Ann and I will be teaching at Trinity Prep in Orlando in February, and will also have a bookstore event to be announced. In addition, we will be guests of honor at the Victoria Steampunk Convention being held in April.--We will also be attending the ICFA conference in Orlando--Ann is on two panels and I am on a panel and have a reading. We also hope to meet with many academics about our work on the massive The Weird anthology and also on the topic of translations, in addition to beginning to move toward accepting unsolicited critical papers for posting.--Ann will soon announce two new anthologies she will be editing, and we are jointly editing a feminist SF/F antho, with more details on that shortly. I will have new book projects to announce in another month or so.That's all I have to report for now. Please feel free to use the comments thread to tell me what you've been up to!


Weird Fiction Review Returns: Lucius Shepard, Tanith Lee, Dr. Seuss, and More


Happy Holidays--and Thank You (returning Jan. 9)