Story and Novel VanderMeer Critique Service: Now With Gift Wrap!

The VanderMeer Critique Service(This image of the editor at a burnt-out desk in a quarry may not accurately portray his critique style...)I'm extending my critique service for a bit. Just email me at vanderworld at for details. In addition to my writing career, I have 25 years of experience as an editor and have won several awards for it, including the World Fantasy Award. I've also taught workshops all over the world, worked for publishers, run a publishing company, been an agent, etc. Stories, novellas, and novels in just about every category (no Westerns) welcome. The unique rate system and form-fitting approach to your particular manuscript are meant to give the most useful feedback.You can also now buy a critique for the writer in your life--for no extra charge I will send a hand-written card, illustrated, with certificate for critique. A few people have asked for this, and it's gone over well, so I've decided to offer it publicly.As you may know, we fund a lot of fiction translations and other efforts with a risky rate of return. Critique work helps to offset the risk. Thanks!


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