The Situation Web Comic: Covered by GeekDad and Pop Candy

situation imageThanks to Whitney Matheson at Pop Candy and Brad Moon at GeekDad/Wired for giving The Situation web comic some love.The entire 63 pages are now up at (the link now starts you at part 3), and I'm kinda thrilled about it. A lot of hard work on the part of the artist and the editor (Liz Gorinsky). I just love all of the images of Mord. It's also kind of cool that the posting of the web comic coincides with Trinity Prep School students reading the short story it's based on before our visit there in February---they get to see the comics version, too.If Mord seems familiar from more than just "The Situation", it's because he also appears in much altered form in "The Third Bear," which is reprinted along with "The Situation" story in my collection The Third Bearfrom Tachyon. Consider picking it up, as it's earned out its advance and is still selling steadily and providing me with a little extra money, which always helps our less commercial projects.I should note that Mord makes an appearance, along with Wick, in the novel I'm working on entitled "Borne"--same milieu as "The Situation"--and also many doppelganger appearances in "The Journals of Doctor Mormeck," which I serialized part of right here at Ecstatic Days.On Monday, I'll post excerpts of "The Situation" side-by-side with part of the comics script and the relevant parts of the comic itself, to show the transformation.


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