Discovered: Clark Ashton Smith and Our Sex-Demented Republic

Going to start posting brief quotes from research for various projects, stuff I find either interesting, provocative, or nuts...Excerpt:"I should like to say a few words anent one or two point which P. Schuyler Miller raises in his interesting letter in the June Wonder Stories...Personally, I cannot see that science fiction is, as he puts it, 'unfortunately limited' in its range of expression. At least, I do not think that a type of literature so avowedly imaginative would benefit materially by invading, as so much modern fiction has done, the field of clinical analysis and sex-physiology. That sort of thing has been done ad infinitum and ad nauseum by non-imaginative writers, such as are favored by the professional 'intelligentsia' of our sex-demented republic; and one of the most refreshing things about science fiction, and fantastic fiction in general, is the avoidance of such triteness."--Discovered in "On Garbage-Mongering," from Planets and Dimensions: Collected Essays of Clark Ashton Smith (edited by Charles K. Wolfe), reprinted therein from WONDER STORIES, "The Reader Speaks" column, August 1932, p. 281.


Ann VanderMeer: Call for Submissions, Steampunk Revolution Antho


Fungi Anthology--Still Reading for Two Weeks