Incoming Books: Polish Dying Earth Antho, Dalkey Archive, Blake Butler, and More

IMG_1006Just a few of the incoming books in the last day or two. The book in the upper left is the Polish edition of the Songs of the Dying Earth antho edited by Gardner Dozois and George RR Martin, including my story that I now call "Grod Impatient With All."Below the cut you'll find new titles from Lazy Fascist press, Lethe, and Dalkey, among others. To be honest, the titles from LF and Lethe use this kind of uncoated matte cover stock that feels unpleasantly like slightly rough latex. It's very hard for me to hold them for even a couple of seconds as the texture makes me nauseous. I'm going to have to rip the covers off to read them. Does anyone else have this reaction to that texture? Ann doesn't. The books themselves look cool.IMG_1004IMG_1003IMG_1005


Evil Monkey, Christopher Priest, and the Arthur C. Clarke Awards


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