Feminist SF Anthology--Fully Funded, and Then Some!

kickstarter windowAnn and I are thrilled to announce that not only did the kickstarter for the Feminist SF Anthology hit its $12,000 goal for full funding, but went over $15,000. The extra money will help in areas like funding translations and adding pages to the book. Thanks SO MUCH to Jef Smith for proposing this project to us and to everyone who contributed or helped signal boost. In the end, the contributions averaged out to about $31 per person---a true group effort. And every little bit helped.Personally, I feel very proud of our community and as we now move on to the hard part---selecting stories---we very much feel a responsibility to do the best possible job we can on this project. It'll be a tough job---we were just talking the other day about how the book could be 500,000 words and not include all of the great stuff we love. Winnowing it down is going to be excruciating and painful.Ann will be reading unsolicited reprint submissions starting in mid-June (more on that next week) and I will be using part of July for research, traveling north to visit some private libraries. (This travel is not on the kickstarter’s dime.)Again, thanks to everyone---you’re all incredible, awesome people. We really feel a little choked up right now over the support for this project, and we're looking forward to getting to work.photo-full


SF in the Mainstream at BEA: The Panel and the Coverage


Interviews and Advice