The Fine Art of Dropping Out: VanderMeer Enters the Internet-Proof Bunker

IMG_1092I've got a slew of deadlines between now and the middle of July. At least for the next month, possibly longer, I'll be off the internet for the most part and only checking email in the evenings. You can still find material by me on and Omnivoracious, the Amazon book blog, during this time---as well as reviews forthcoming at the Guardian and the LA Times, among others.In this day and age, for me, dropping out and just working out of the house 24-7 is the only way to achieve the level of concentration needed. That includes stocking up on the right food! Yes, that's right---as pictured above, including lots of antioxidents, lots of protein and complex carbs since it means a more sedentary lifestyle for a bit. Also food that doesn't require any preparation and can be doled out in small portions so I can eat just a little bit six times a day and thus keep the right energy level throughout the whole day--and work the whole day without stopping. Also making sure the home gym is in working order in case I don't get to the gym. I'm not particularly interested in coming out the other side and finding I'm less healthy. It's a bit of a siege mentality, and may seem faintly ridiculous, but it's necessary.In other news, I am going to be teaching at Stonecoast in Maine (July 12), going to ReaderCon (July 13-15), and helping run the Shared Worlds writing camp (July 23-Aug 4), which will include public readings.Since I'll be dormant here, feel free to use the comments thread to tell me what you're up to or to tell us about any new books. Just note that full URLs often trip up the spam filter here.If I don't respond promptly to email, please contact Ann. Don't contact me via facebook email as I won't be checking it.


Open Call for Submissions - Feminist Speculative Fiction Anthology


SF in the Mainstream at BEA: The Panel and the Coverage