Karin Tidbeck's Collection Jagannath: Blurbed by Mieville, Fowler, Lord, Le Guin

Jagannath ARC coverHere at Cheeky Frawg, we're getting more and more excited about the fall release of Swedish author Karin Tidbeck's debut English-language collection Jagannath, which will be available in e-book and trade paperback formats. We hope to have a book release party at World Fantasy Convention in Toronto, and there is a possibility that the author will be able to attend.Check out these advance blurbs!URSULA K. LE GUIN: "I have never read anything like Jagannath. Karin Tidbeck's imagination is recognisably Nordic, but otherwise unclassifiable--quietly, intelligently, unutterably strange. And various. And ominous. And funny. And mysteriously tender. These are wonderful stories."CHINA MIEVILLE: "Restrained and vivid, poised and strange, Tidbeck, with her impossible harmonies, is a vital voice."KAREN JOY FOWLER: "Tidbeck has a gift for the uncanny and the unsettling. In these wonderful, subtle stories, magic arrives quietly. It comes from the forests or the earth or was always there in your own family or maybe exists in another realm entirely. It arises from the pages as you read, leaving you slightly dazed and more than a little enchanted."KAREN LORD: "The mundane becomes strange and the strange familiar with near-Hitchcockian subtlety. I loved Tidbeck's clean, classic prose. It creates beautifully eerie music for a twilight domain."Under the cut, find more information about this excellent book--out in November. I'll have some advance reader copies at ReaderCon. (In other news, we have the translation of Finnish writer Leena Krohn's novel Datura and will have a pub date for it shortly, along with a pub date for a collection by Amos Tutuola.)Enter the strange and wonderful world of Swedish sensation Karin Tidbeck with this feast of darkly fantastical stories. Whether through the falsified historical record of the uniquely weird Swedish creature known as the “Pyret” or the title story, “Jagannath,” about a biological ark in the far future, Tidbeck’s unique imagination will enthrall, amuse, and unsettle you. How else to describe a collection that includes “Cloudberry Jam,” a story that opens with the line “I made you in a tin can”? Marvels, quirky character studies, and outright surreal monstrosities await you in what is likely to be one of the most talked-about short story collections of the year.About the Author: Karin Tidbeck is a rising star in her native country, having published a collection there in Swedish, won a prestigious literary grant, and just sold her first novel to Sweden’s largest publisher. A graduate of the iconic Clarion Writer’s Workshop at the University of California, San Diego, in 2010, her English-language publication history includes Weird Tales, Shimmer Magazine, Unstuck Annual and the anthology Odd.For fans of: Kelly Link, Elizabeth Hand, Karen Russell, Lauren Groff, Ursula K. Le Guin, and China Mieville.Cheeky Frawg is a literary imprint founded by Hugo Award-winner Ann VanderMeer and her husband World Fantasy Award winner Jeff VanderMeer.


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