Upcoming Appearance Schedule--Now with Wonderbook!

WONDERBOOK--Jeremy Zerfoss--Story lifecycle snippetSo I'm on the plane headed for Stonecoast, where I will give a presentation tomorrow afternoon and then do a reading in the evening at the Brunswick Inn (Maine) at 7pm, I think. The presentation will include a sneak peek at Wonderbook, the creative writing book I keep nattering on about---above find a snippet from the lifecycle of a story diagram Jeremy Zerfoss has created for me.After Stonecoast, I'll be at ReaderCon---my schedule is in a blog entry below this one.In addition, I'll be reading with Shared Worlds guest writers in Spartanburg, SC, at the local indie bookstore the last week of July, and introducing more writers the first week of August there as well--I'll post the exact details in a day or two. Also, August 4, Shared Worlds writers Tobias Buckell, Karin Lowachee, Will Hindmarch, Ann VanderMeer, Nathan Ballingrud and I will be appearing at a SF/F extravaganza hosted by Malaprops Bookstore in Asheville, North Carolina, at 7pm. Please drop by!As for other upcoming gigs, Ann and I will definitely be at World Fantasy in Toronto, which will feature a book release party for Karin Tidbeck's Cheeky Frawg release Jagannath.Next year, Ann and I will be keynote speakers for a SF symposium at the University of South Florida, and I will be a guest of honor for the Steampunk World's Fair.More news soon...


On the Road: Stonecoast, Maine, ReaderCon


On Reaching the Curmudgeonly Age of 44